Yingadi Aboriginal Corporation

Indigenous Corporation Number 7675

Mund Wanabi Gima Gini Dani - "(The) Heart (of the) Fire (is) Here (in) This Place"

Mission Statement

To establish, govern and develop the Yingadi (Come!)  Learning and Keeping Place which will be a place, that by its very name, issues an invitation to all interested peoples to come (yingadi) to a Place of Preservation of Culture, Heritage and Reconciliation – a Nurturing Centre of Education.

The inaugural purposes of Yingadi Learning and Keeping Place are to

  • assist in relieving the disadvantage and suffering experienced by Aboriginal people by being a holding place of cultural history and knowledge and understanding to be passed on to future generations, and by nurturing personal pride and individual self-determination by offering programmes to increase the skills of Aboriginal people;
  • inform, through workshops and programmes, non-Aboriginal people of the continuing disadvantage experienced in the Aboriginal community;
  • be an educational centre for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students;
  • provide an opportunity for non-Aboriginal people to listen and learn of the history, the current issues, the continual struggle for recognition of identity and spiritual connection to land of Aboriginal peoples;
  • host a continuing Reconciliation Fire , tended by Aboriginal people, that will hold the stories of the past and present, enabling those who experience and learn from the fire to ignite a future of greater understanding and reconciliation.